Thursday, February 8, 2007

From Jinx to TWO lovely ladies: Annie & Emma

I can see that you both are gorgeous
captivating and sublime.
Affectionate and cleverand getting better all of the time.
I think that we will get along just fine.
I would like to be your Valentine
if you both will promise to be mine.



From Jinx to both beautiful ladies, Annie and Emma.


Forty Paws said...

Oh Mr. Jinx,

(blush) I've never had a Valentine before. I'm so excited, my tail is trembling!!! This is the bestest present ever!! This beats out nip and milk! (blush, sigh) Oh, I'm feeling faint. Thank you Thank you Mr. Jinx!!!

All my Luf,

Emma's Kat said...

Oooh la la, what nice poem sweet Jinx! Can't wait till the party! Annie, we are so lucky to have such a sweet mancat like Jinx! Thank you Jinx!

Luff always,


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Good job Jinx!